‘Distribute the wealth among those who have more children’, the millionaire made such a condition before his death, created an uproar, then…

‘Distribute the wealth among those who have more children’, the millionaire made such a condition before his death, created an uproar, then…

The battle of wills in rich families often remains in the headlines. But a millionaire man, while dying, wrote such a will that it created an uproar. Even the government did not understand what should be done. This person, who was worth billions of rupees, had no son, daughter or close relative. Therefore he decided to give his will to the people. But before his death, he wrote in his will that the entire wealth should be distributed only among those who had the most children. Then there was such an uproar that even the government and the court had to intervene. Then property came into the name of people who were truly entitled to it.

According to the Mirror report, Charles Vance Miller of Canada was a successful lawyer. Billions of rupees were earned. If we look at his wealth in today’s terms, it would be more than Rs 83 crore. He had an extraordinary love for jokes. But while dying, he made such a joke that it got recorded in history. He died in 1926 at the age of 73. He had no successor. So he left his property with a family from Toronto. A condition was laid that all this wealth should be handed over to those people who could produce the most children within 10 years.

started having more and more children
As soon as this news spread, people started having more and more children to gain wealth. In Toronto, a strange desire arose among the people. The competition to have children has started. People started calling this competition “Stork Derby”. Started taking medicines to increase fertility. Many women became pregnant just a few months after the birth of their first child. When there was a lot of uproar, the government intervened and ordered the will to be canceled four years before the ten-year deadline and the entire wealth to be donated to the University of Toronto. But people who were having children started protesting. Ultimately the government had to withdraw its decision.

The competition to produce has become more intense
After this, the competition to have children became more intense. More than two dozen families in Toronto gave birth to 8 children each in just 10 years. Some of these were poor families, whose children died tragically. Some people also reached the court. When it was investigated legally, only 6 families were found in the entire country which had more than 9 children. Most of Miller’s property was distributed among them. Today whenever it is discussed, people are surprised.

Tags: Bizarre news, OMG News, trending news, Viral news, Weird news

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